Monday, June 20, 2011

The Rust Stain Can be Removed

 Dealing with a rust stain can be actually very difficult. This spot sticks to all kind of textiles and if you do not act fast enough you may not be able to remove it.

So here are my tips about how to get rid of the rust stain, when you do the carpet cleaning.

  • First try to scrape as mush of the rust as possible with a sharp blade.
When you do that, be very careful, because there is a real chance for you to damage your caret if you are in too much of a hurry.

  • Treat the spot with a lemon juice.
It doesn't matter if the juice is bottled or freshly squeezed, but you have to make sure that all of the stain is well covered with it.

  • Wait enough time in order to let the juice to make its magic. This means approximately around 10 to 15 minutes. It may not sound much, but it is very important to do it if you want to have good final results.

  • Blot well with a paper towel. Make sure not to rub the spot in and at the end of this procedure the stain should be gone.

However, if the lemon juice is not effective enough you will have to use a cleaning detergent mixed by yourself. For this purpose you will need a dish-washing cleaning solution and water. Mix them and apply the mixture to the carpet. Then rinse well with water until all the cleaning solution is removed.

This cleaning, of course, is very time and efforts consuming so, if you do not have the time to perform it on your own, you can simply call a carpet cleaning London company. They will do the job very fast and effective.

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