Friday, July 15, 2011

Green Cleaning For Your Aluminium Items

Aluminium as a material is one of the widely used ones for designing kitchen utensils, appliances and all kind of household implements. Many people spend a lot of money for expensive commercial cleaning products, but it is not necessary to waste your money, when many natural cleaning products can be home-made, just by the use of materials already existing in everyone's kitchen.
Nowadays most professional cleaning services are provided with green cleaning product applying, which testifies for the demand of natural and eco- friendly environment.

Here are several cleaning tips, you may find useful when you decide to clean your aluminium items:

  1. Vinegar is one of the most used ingredients when it comes to green cleaning. Using vinegar for cleaning, helps to remove hard water and mineral deposits. What you can do is to boil one tablespoon vinegar mixed with two cups water and then dunk the aluminium item into the mixture and leave it there for an hour.
  2. Another recipe for aluminium cleaning is to mix tow parts cream of tartar with one part water. Apply the solution onto the aluminium and by using a clean cloth gently clean the surface.
  3. You can use a mixture of equal parts lemon juice, tartar cream and vinegar. This will help in cleaning mildly discoloured aluminium surfaces. The result is as perfect as if you have hired professional London cleaners to do the job.
  4. Many of us faced the problem with burned food on the aluminium pan. And it is really hard to remove all the dirt from it. What you can do for this is to fill the pan with water and set it aside to be like this for at least an hour. By using a wooden spoon scrape off the food and then wash as usual.
  5. You can also use salt to clean your aluminium pan. Sprinkle some salt over the grease and leave it for at least 30 minutes. Then with a paper towel, wipe the grease away.
  6. The most used ways for cleaning aluminium ( even by professional cleaning London cleaners) is applying warm water and mild detergent on the item.

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