Wednesday, July 27, 2011

How to Clean Your Clothes From Grass Stains

How many times have you thrown clothes away because of grass stains? Especially if you have kids. They play outside all day long and fall in the grass. When I had that kind of problems I was trying many different cleaning products, but without success.

Fortunately, I met vacate cleaning Sydney and they shared with me very useful cleaning tips.
First, I will tell you what you have to keep in mind. It is good to avoid using bleach such as silk and wool. Use hot water, when you wash the fabric.

It is very important to blot the stain immediately when you see it, otherwise it will be almost impossible to remove it. First, soak the cloth in cold water and pour a cleaning detergent. That way will help you to dissolve the stain a little. After that rinse the detergent.

I didn't know, but banana oil works great for grass stains. Also, you can use white vinegar and mild detergent. If these tips doesn't work, use bleach. Soak the cloth in bleach, but remember: do not leave it for more that 15 minutes. The stain is supposed to be removed. End of lease cleaning Sydney, reminds us, that we have to soak the cloth in the bleach, not just the stain, otherwise, it becomes a different colour.

I hope that you will be great cleaners and it won't be necessary to use professional services and your clothes will be clean longer.


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