Monday, July 25, 2011

Proper Wall Washing

Cleaning around the house could mean a lot of things: dust brushing, thorough kitchen cleaning, vacuum cleaning. One of the things you need to do, from time to time is to spare time and wash the walls. That is correct, walls could be washed too, just like everything else. For that task you don't need professional help, or at least many people prefer to take care of that on their own.
Tasks that could be easily delegated to a professional, are including heavy cleaning like the one usually performed in the spring or when you are moving out.

Here are a few rules that apply every time, when it comes to proper wall cleaning.

  • Consider the type of the surface. Is it a painted wall or covered with wallpapers? Are the wallpapers washable or they wouldn't withstand a single drop of liquid?
  • Arrange your area. Free up some space. Move furniture if it's necessary.
  • Get ready and prepare the tools of your choice. Solutions, rags make sure everything is by your side, so you won't waste time.
  • Really dirty walls should be cleaned from the bottom up to the top. Surprise! The explanation is really simple, it's much easier to clean a drip from a clean wall, than from a dirty one. Another thing, try to be methodical in your work – start in one corner and move to the opposite side, by trying not to miss any area though.
  • After you finish with certain part of the wall, take dry clean rag and wipe any streaks and excessive water off.

After you are done try to maintain clean walls by dusting them from time to time and taking care of them. Don't neglect them, otherwise the next time you will face the same dirty wall you just cleaned up. It takes persistence, just like every other work. Once again you probably could take advantage of some professional service, they are so many. Oven cleaning, spring cleaning, vacate cleaning - Melbourne gives various options.

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