Monday, August 29, 2011

3 Strange Cleaning Uses of the Ketchup

Ketchup is really delicious and I don't know a single person who doesn't like it. There is a bottle of ketchup in almost every house, and that's why there are many stains made of ketchup. But we have a good news about you and it is about the uses of the ketchup. It turned out that you can use it to clean and here are the things you can use it for.

One of the most popular ways to use the ketchup is to clean your silver jewellery. Leave your rings or earrings into a cup with ketchup for half an hour and then use a brush to scrub. You can even use an old toothbrush in order to remove the dirt from the tiny places. This is something you cannot get a cleaner for, right?

Another strange cleaning use of the ketchup is for removing bad odours from your hair. That's right, after you visit the pool, your hair smells of chlorine and you can get rid of that odour using ketchup. When you go to take a shower, put small amount of it in your hair and then rinse with shampoo. The result is amazing.

After a lot of using, your pots become dull and the ketchup is the decision to make them shiny again. Just cover the pot with thin coating of the product and leave it to stay for several minutes. Rinse using clean tap water and dry with a cloth. After all, if you get a cleaner, he or she is not responsible for your kitchen appliances.

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