Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Carpet Odour Removal

Cleaning rugs and carpets is very important. But sometimes it is possible that you get some unpleasant odours after removing the stains. Or, your pet did some messes on the carpet. You'd better know how to remove the odour on your own. Here is some advice you can take.

I called carpet cleaners to clean up the house a couple of times and they shared with me some useful tips. They really came in handy.

Baking soda is maybe the best solution to the problem of carpet odours. You just need to sprinkle it to the carpet, leave it for a few minutes and vacuum. That should be enough to remove most of the traditional bad odours.

Some white vinegar can also do a great job. Mix one part of it with three parts of water. Then, pour the solution into a spray bottle and apply to the carpet. This solution is better for some stronger smells.
You can also use some lemon water to make your carpet smell fresh. Use a spray bottle and the odours will be gone. This is suitable for light odours.

Getting rid of bad odours is inevitably connected with cleaning your carpet. The more often you take a good care of it, the more rarely you will be forced to deal with unpleasant smells.

If you think you cannot remove the bad odours on your own, you can make a search for some professionals, who can help you.

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