Monday, August 22, 2011

Cheap Ways to Clean the Bedroom

Sometimes we don't have time for coffee or lunch in the kitchen. We also have to take a shower in a hurry when we are late for meeting. But there is no way to miss the sleep, we need every night in order to feel complete. That's why we have to take care of the one place we use for that purpose – the bedroom.

When you clean a room, most domestic cleaning services recommend that you should start from the top to the bottom. So, start with the windows and proceed your way down. If they are too dirty, you can use water mixed with several drops of vinegar, which will make it easier.

The bed is the most important part of this room, so do your best to keep it clean. Change the sheets every week and in the hot periods, you can even change them twice. We recommend that you can even change them with new ones every six months. It is also essential to air the mattress regularly otherwise the dust collected inside may cause allergies. The best way to get rid of it is using vacuum machine.

If you have pets, it would be better to keep them away of the bedroom. And still if they happen to use the carpet as a toilet, you can deal with the unpleasant odour using baking soda and water. Apply this solution on the carpet and leave it for the night. There won't be a trace of the unpleasant stains. Every time when you doubt about the final result of the house cleaning process, you can call professionals.

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