Thursday, August 18, 2011

How to Clean Your Windows?

The windows are the gates of our homes for sunlight. If there were no windows, our homes would be dark, cold and gloomy. We would not know what's happening outside, unless we go out.

When our windows are dirty, their transparent properties are reduced, which means sunlight cannot enter our homes. That is why we have to take regular cares for the windows and clean them at least ones a week.

When it comes to window cleaning, most people prefer to use store detergents, as they are said to be very effective. The thing is, though, that some of these detergents are dangerous for our health. So, instead of using these harmful products, we can use natural supplies with the same success. How?

It is very easy. All you need is water, vinegar and an old newspaper or a cloth. Mix a few tablespoons of the vinegar with about two cups of water and pour them in a squirt bottle, so to be easy for you to wet the windows. Before you wet the windows, wipe them with a dry cloth, so to remove the dust from them. Then, squirt some of the solution and wipe with a newspaper or with another cloth. Do not make circle moves when wiping. That's it. As easy as it sounds, it will take you about five minutes for each window.

Window cleaning may seem an easy and not so important job, but it is an essential part of the house cleaning process. Sunlight provides us with vitamin D, which we cannot live without, so it is important to let it in our homes.

If you don't have time for the domestic chores, you can simply hire some professional house cleaning company to take care of your place.

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