Tuesday, August 16, 2011

No Other Way

 Does it sound familiar? The phone starts to ring and guess who is calling-it's your hyper-critical mother-in-law. She'll be sitting right next to you in less than fifteen minutes for a visit. The situation could be not that bad if you don't pay special attention to your mother's thousand advices and if your house wasn't so trashed. Relax! There is no need to fall into despair. You just have to put your house in order. How to do that for no time?
Read the following house cleaning London tips on how to transform your place from post-tornado to visit-ready for no time:
How to start? The first thing you need to do is to prepare your tools. In that case you will need laundry basket, shopping bag, toilet brush, sponges or paper towels and all-purpose cleaner.
Then go to your kids and put them on toy duty in order to have more space to act and not to waste time in explanations. Tell them they don't have to put all their toys away, but that they should collect all of them up and take them back to their rooms. In that way you will keep them busy and out of your hair for at least an hour. Light a candle or plug in an air freshener.
If you want to make the cleaning process easier pay general attention to the rooms your guest is most likely to enter. That includes the living room, the kitchen and the bathroom. Set a timer for three to five minutes and work on clutter control. Take a laundry basket and throw as much clutter into it as you can. Put the basket away and tend to it later.
Next, take care of your dirty dishes. Store all of them into the dishwasher or the oven, recommends cleaning house London. Don't start to wash them on the moment. It will take too much of your valuable time. After you've hidden the dishes, give the counters a quick wipe down.
After that go to your bathroom and put all the toothbrushes, lipstick tubes, hairspray bottles, empty toilet paper tubes and wayward magazines into a basket or empty shopping bag. Then swish the toilet clean with a quick 30-second swipe of the toilet brush. Wipe down the sink and stash your bag or basket below it.
To finish vacuum if you have enough time. A freshly vacuumed floor makes a room look and feel clean, even if it isn't spotless. If you don't have time to clear all the clutter, vacuum the areas around the couches or guest seating areas.
Good luck!

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