Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How to Clean Ketchup from the Couch

Work can be very tiring. Many people just come back from the busy day, have a quick shower and sit down on the couch in front of the TV. Sometimes people even eat in front the TV.

After a busy day you don't want to spend much time on cooking or preparing dinner. Sometimes you have something trivial like stake and chips or a soup. Well usually what you eat winds up on the couch, you drop something by accident or it spills from the plate, but generally it makes a stain.

The worst nightmare of the cleaners W13 is ketchup stains on the couch. The ketchup is a thick substance that usually once it gets in the fabric it is very tough to get out. And the distinguishing red colour is quite easy to spot on every surface. Cleaning ketchup is not impossible but very delicate procedure. There are ways to remove it but you have to follow certain steps:

  1. Start by scraping very gently the ketchup from the surface of the couch.
  2. Make a mixture of dish washing detergent and lukewarm water.
  3. Apply the mixture on the stain and blot until it is dry. Keep doing that until you remove the stain.
  4. After the stain is gone simply wash off the mixture with water by blotting.
  5. Let it dry.
  6. These steps are not always the same methods as professional cleaners W13 do it, but they are effective and can help you in a tough time. Also they are free and you have nothing to lose, if you feel to use them.

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