Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tips on Cleaning the Windows

Cleaning the house is a long and tiresome chore. Most people clean the entire house once or twice a year. It's not called spring cleaning for nothing. Well that is just a figure of speech though. What I meant was that most people don't really look into cleaning as much as they should. People clean only out of necessity. Most of the time people even neglect cleaning some of the important areas around the house, sometimes they don't see reason, sometimes they are just lazy.

Window cleaning Bloomsbury for example is a chore that most people neglect and really don't see a reason to do. But let's face it a house with dirty windows and finger prints on it, what kind of impression are you setting for yourself. You definitely don't want to be viewed as a sloppy owner, so from time to time you have to clean those windows of yours.

The main idea is to start cleaning after that it gets easier. Window cleaning Bloomsbury is not a long process but it requires some dedication. Here are some pointers that can guide you along the way:

  1. Start by removing all cobwebs from the corners. You can vacuum the sides of the window to remove the big dust and dirt.
  2. Use a bucket and fill with lukewarm water. You can use your plain dish wash in the water to clean easier and faster. Using a sponge is advisable because the cleaning gets easier with it.
  3. Start washing from top to bottom and after you have washed the whole window. Use a squeegee to remove the excess water with the solution, this way no drops of water will stay on the window.
  4. After that use a dry cloth on the window to clean the rest of the solution on the window. Make sure that you pay attention to the corner areas especially on the bottom side and you are set.

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