Monday, December 19, 2011

How to Clean the Living Room for 15 Minutes

The reasons might be different, but it happens sometimes to have to clean the living room in a short period of time. For example you expect guests who are coming in 15 minutes and you have to act fast. Or you woke up earlier for work and you have some 15 minutes left. In both case you can do one and the same: to clean a room. Let's see how.

First before doing anything else, you have to take your cleaning supplies first. This is going to save you time while cleaning because you won't be running back and fort looking for a sponge or clean cloth.

Before you start floor cleaning, you have to deal with the clutter. Otherwise while sweeping, you will have to remove your children's toys and many other things. So, grab a basket and put in it everything that doesn't belong to this place.

Remove the dust from the couch. It doesn't mean to start upholstery cleaning but use a brush to clean the fabric from all of the crumbs and dirt which collect over the couch. Use a soft brush.

Along with the dust from the sofa, you need to remove the one from the coffee table. Just wipe with a clean damp cloth and arrange the items which are situated on it.

In the end you can sweep the floor or even vacuum. It depends how much time you have left.  

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