Thursday, July 28, 2011

Remove Chocolate Stains From Carpets and Furniture with Minimal Efforts

Do you remember, when you were kids what was the feeling to take the first piece of the chocolate? And now, do you remember how mad was our mother, when you drop down the chocolate? No, it was not very good. And now, you are at her place and you have to take care of the carpets and furniture at home. You see, that it is not very easy task...

To make it easier, I will share with you some easy steps to get rid of chocolate stains. I know, that you can't wait to read them.

When you see a chocolate stain, it is good to wait until the spot is dry. That way you will clean it easier. Then you can try to remove it with a butter knife. Scratch as much dirt as you can.
After that, it is good to put more paper towels on the stain. They will absorb some dirt, too.

Home cleaning Sydney advises to remove the dirty paper towels and put a new and clean ones. Then take an iron and put it over the paper, but it is very important to turn the steam off. Very soon you will see that the chocolate stain is melted and the paper towel has absorbed it. Repeat this step, as many times as necessary.

If you stain is still there, take some liquid detergent and apply it on the problematic area. After that blot the stain.

Now, you are able to clean chocolate stains. And still if you other similar problems and you can't clean stubborn stains call vacate cleaners.

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