Friday, July 29, 2011

Windows Cleaning Tips for Sparkling Windows

How to clean my windows fast and efficiently? This is one of the most common questions our readers ask. Actually, there are many windows cleaning tips you can use, but if you want to be sure that at the end your windows will sparkle, you'd better take a look at the tips below.

1.If you haven't cleaned your windows for months, you need to vacuum the their corners as windows tend to get dust, spider webs bugs and dirt accumulated in the sills.

2.Although there are many windows cleaners on the market, it's better to use several ingredients from your kitchen and make your own windows cleaner. Not only it will be absolutely harmless, but you'll also save money. What you need:

  • a cup of white vinegar
  • ¼ water

Pour the cleaning solution into a spray bottle. Another great windows cleaning London recipe is:
  • ½ cornstarch
  • 2 cups of warm water

3. Use a sponge to apply the cleaning mixture on the window panes. Then get a few paper towels or lint     free towels to clean the paste of the windows panes and give them a glossy shine.

4.If you have a two-floor house, purchase one of those long-handle squeegees that windows cleaning London companies use. Otherwise, you have to clime a ladder. Makes sure that you have insurance, before taking the risk to clean your windows on a ladder.

5.It's important to remember that windows cleaning should be done on a cloudy day. Direct sunlight dries the windows cleaner before you wipe it off and leaves unpleasant stains.

It's time to make your homemade cleaner and get down to windows cleaning.

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