Friday, July 29, 2011

Windows Cleaning Tips for Sparkling Windows

How to clean my windows fast and efficiently? This is one of the most common questions our readers ask. Actually, there are many windows cleaning tips you can use, but if you want to be sure that at the end your windows will sparkle, you'd better take a look at the tips below.

1.If you haven't cleaned your windows for months, you need to vacuum the their corners as windows tend to get dust, spider webs bugs and dirt accumulated in the sills.

2.Although there are many windows cleaners on the market, it's better to use several ingredients from your kitchen and make your own windows cleaner. Not only it will be absolutely harmless, but you'll also save money. What you need:

  • a cup of white vinegar
  • ¼ water

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Remove Chocolate Stains From Carpets and Furniture with Minimal Efforts

Do you remember, when you were kids what was the feeling to take the first piece of the chocolate? And now, do you remember how mad was our mother, when you drop down the chocolate? No, it was not very good. And now, you are at her place and you have to take care of the carpets and furniture at home. You see, that it is not very easy task...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

How to Clean Your Clothes From Grass Stains

How many times have you thrown clothes away because of grass stains? Especially if you have kids. They play outside all day long and fall in the grass. When I had that kind of problems I was trying many different cleaning products, but without success.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Find Out How to Clean Your Outdoor Rug

The outdoor rug is an important exterior element, which provides an attractive appearance and helps to reduce the amount of dust and dirt, which you bring in your home from outside. Therefore, you have to learn how to keep your outdoor rug clean and here is some information that may help you with this task.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Proper Wall Washing

Cleaning around the house could mean a lot of things: dust brushing, thorough kitchen cleaning, vacuum cleaning. One of the things you need to do, from time to time is to spare time and wash the walls. That is correct, walls could be washed too, just like everything else. For that task you don't need professional help, or at least many people prefer to take care of that on their own.

Top Ways to Clean Kitchen Appliances

Keeping your kitchen appliances clean is a very important task. That can prolong their life and make your electricity bill smaller. You probably want to save some time cleaning them and do more important things. Here is some advice how to keep your big appliances clean.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Take The Stress Out When You Move Out

Those of you who live in a rented home, know how bad it is to move in a dirty place. That's why you have to follow some good cleaning steps when you move out. Otherwise, if you don't have enough time and nerves, you can hire professional services.

Top 5 Reasons to Go Green

You are already used to cleaning your house with conventional cleaning products. It is time to adopt something new. Go green! More and more people start to value the advantages of green cleaning. It is perfectly safe for you and the surrounding environment. Here are the top 5 reasons for you to go green:

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Tips on Carpet Stain Removal

Carpet stains are something you could not avoid. You will need to deal with them sooner or later. No matter how careful you are, some other member of the family can spill their coffee or wine. If you would like to clean the carpet efficiently, you'd better be familiar with some handy tips.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How to Remove Hard Water Stains

Removing stains from different surfaces and materials is a task, which every home owner has to deal with in his/her everyday cleaning. However, for every such cleaning problem there is a solution and the only thing you have to do is to find the key for this door. Moreover, you have to find the best alternative to fight the stains, appearing in your home.

How to Clean Solid Silver?

It is important to know how to clean your solid silver is an important, especially when displaying expensive silver pieces or entertaining guests with the best solid silverware. Regular cleaning and storing your silver will make the cleaning and polishing process much easier and keep your solid silver items, as well as silver-plated items, in better, more attractive state.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Time to Move Out, Better Clean That House

Many people, nowadays, are living in rented units. They usually sign contract with the landlord according to which, they are obligated to pay rent at the end of certain period of time, they have to take care of the place in the best way they are capable of. Another thing, that they have to do is to give in advance amount of money, called deposit. At the end of the lease contract the landlord must return that deposit back to the tenant, if there are no damages and problems with the bills, of course.

How to Clean Your Bedroom

The bedroom is a very special room in the house. It is a place to unwind and try to forget your problems. This is way it should be conducive to relaxing. That can be achieved only if it is clean and neat. The article will provide you with some useful steps you can follow.

How to Clean Your House in a Day?

If you always avoid the cleaning chores, when you do finally get around to it, you may start wondering from where to begin and how long it will take. To cleaning the entire house in one fell swoop usually is very time-consuming, but once it's done, you can relax for the week. Prepare an attack plan, group your tasks and roll up your sleeves. Yes,it's absolutely possible to clean your entire house in one day.

Monday, July 18, 2011

5 Tips to Speed Up House Cleaning

Busy with our daily routine, most of us don't have enough time for cleaning the house. And when cleaning is already inevitable, we end up washing and scrubbing all weekend long. If you would like to avoid that, you'd better do some things. Here are 5 tips to speed up your house cleaning:

Amonia-the New Jewelry Cleaner

Whether your favorite piece of jewelry is a family heirloom you rarely wear, or your diamond wedding ring that never comes off, taking regular care and cleaning your jewelry keeps it looking great. You may not be aware of that fact, but ammonia is a great and safe cleaning agent, that when used properly, can keep your jewelry looking like brand new.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Green Cleaning For Your Aluminium Items

Aluminium as a material is one of the widely used ones for designing kitchen utensils, appliances and all kind of household implements. Many people spend a lot of money for expensive commercial cleaning products, but it is not necessary to waste your money, when many natural cleaning products can be home-made, just by the use of materials already existing in everyone's kitchen.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

3 Natural Cleaning Recipes with White Vinegar

Natural cleaning is the best method, which you can use to keep the good look of your home. Moreover, making your own home-made cleaning mixtures, you make a big contribution to your family, providing a fresh and healthy home environment. We also do not have to forget the fact that natural products are cheaper than most professional cleaning solutions, available on the market.

Large House Cleaning Tips

People have a lot of responsibilities today. They want to keep their homes clean. But they do not have the time to vacuum and dust daily. This article will provide you with some useful tips to follow, so that your home looks always clean.

Non-Chemical Toilet Cleaning Solutions

    The toilet can be one of the most unpleasant chores in any home, but there's no need to use harsh chemicals to tackle the task.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Do You Know How to Clean Grout?

carpet cleaning Melbourne 
Cleaning different areas around the house may not be that easy as it looks at first. For some rooms you even have to hire a professionals, simply because their sophisticated nature needs special treatment and approach. And here is where the cleaning companies come to help.

Places Where Microbes Hide

The places where the environment is perfect for the development of microbes will always exist no matter how much you clean your place. On the other hand, sometimes just hand-cleaning and vacuuming does not work it. Some microbes continue living on under your roof and you just do not know how to get rid of them because you can’t see and find them. So, I asked a professional cleaner Bromley for some advices and here is what he said.

How to Use Vinegar for Green Cleaning?

Vinegar is a wonderful natural, non-toxic alternative to the alarming number of harmful, chemical cleaners that are available on the market today. Unfortunately, the long-term exposure to some of these toxic cleaners has become a matter of increasing concern. Vinegar, however, can be used to clean, disinfect and shine just as well as most commercial products.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Tips How to Clean Your Yellowed Plastic Items

While you enjoy the sunshine sitting on your white plastic chair in your garden, the colour of the chair changes. It isn't a joke, sometimes white plastic items turns yellow because of extensive sun exposure. Of course, the age of the plastic items can also cause colour change. Although, you won't be able to restore the origin condition of the chair, you can lighten it and improves its appearance without using house cleaning services.

Friday, July 8, 2011

How to Clean Spilled Milk on Carpet

Spilled milk on the carpet can leave very unpleasant stains and bad odour behind, if you don't take immediate actions to remove it. Luckily, cleaning spilled milk from the carpet won't be too difficult to do, if you know the proper methods and techniques to do it. Read on to find out what to do.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

How to Clean Silk

Washing sensitive fabrics is not as easy as to put the garment in the washing machine. There are some fabrics, requiring special cares and attention. Therefore, you have to read the labels of your clothes before washing, in order to not make some irreparable mistake, you will regret later.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Family Kitchen Wars

 As it's well known clean kitchen promotes a healthy and hygienic living environment for the entire family. This makes the cleaning an integral part of the cooking process. Unfortunately, it's not just limited to the ingredients such as washing fresh produce but also maintaining equipment and gadgets, cleaning countertops, stove and other nooks and crannies of the kitchen.This is the reason for the start of most of teh family wars-"I cooked so you have to clean all the mess around" and etc. It's sound familiar, isn't it? The truth is that the solution is to just do all the chores together.

Quick, Smart And Cheap Tips for Floors

This title sounds pretty cool, right?! Well, we all know how annoying home cleaning can be. However, we have no other option but to maintain our properties regularly. This is the only way to provide our belongings a fresh and healthy home environment.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Toilet Cleaning Tips

Toilet is not one of your favourite house chores, but you have to learn the main way for toilet cleaning. It is very important to do it, because each member of the house uses the toilet every day. Also, it is good to clean it very often (2-3 times a week).

Before you start cleaning it, you have to flush the whole reserve water. Repeat it few times. Now, you can begin.

Laundry Fabric Symbols

Are you familiar with the symbols on the labels on your clothes? You've probably noticed that all clothes have labels with strange looking symbols on them. These symbols might look strange to you, but they are actually created for your convenience and help you when laundering clothes so that you don't damage and take proper care of them. Still, for a person that is not familiar with them, they might prove difficult to interpret.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Cleaners From the Pantry

cleaners Melbourne
Commercial cleaners are really effective, when it comes to home cleaning, but some of them contain harsh chemicals that could produce irritating fumes. Green cleaners are good alternative here, because they use ingredients from the pantry and the cleaning products made from them are kinder to hands, surfaces and of course environment. The ingredients that are often used for home made remedies are white vinegar – diluted and undiluted, baking soda, rubbing alcohol, ammonia.
One rally useful recipes are the following:

Several Easy and Very Useful Carpet Cleaning Tips

If you want to take a proper care for your carpet you will have to do more than just regular cleaning with a vacuum cleaner.

Carpets absorb not only soil but oil and debris too. It is not necessary to spill something on your rug to have an oil spot on it. Such a stain can appear because of the cooking vapours or feet, pets and etc.

How to Clean with Lemon

Lemon is one of the best cleaners that you can find in your kitchen. The acid in this natural product removes grime and rust spots from different surfaces. Moreover, it smells really fresh and creates a pleasant atmosphere in your home.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Remove Closet Mildew and Odours

Closet mildew is really bad and it may cause more than foul odours. Mould and mildew are really dangerous for the health, especially for young people.

Some Things You Can Put in the Dishwasher

It does not really matter whether you are cleaning the bathroom or vacuuming the floor, because in both cases you have to do the job as effectively as possible. Home cleaning has never been the most attractive assignment to do, however we have no other choice but to protect our home environment from dirt and other harmful elements, which could cause us some serious healthy problems.